Recommended list of blood tests to get done:

  • Complete Blood Count including differential

  • Complete Metabolic Panel

  • Vitamin D

  • Iron, Transferrin, Ferritin

  • Folate, B12

  • Complete Steroid Hormone Panel:







    -Parathyroid Hormone




    -Testosterone, Free [Incl. Total, Albumin, SHBG]

  • Complete Thyroid Panel:

    -T3 - Triiodothyronine

    -T4 - Thyroxine

    -Free T3

    -Free T4



    -Reverse T3


  • Lipid Panel

  • Homocysteine

  • Hemoglobin A1C

  • Fasting Insulin

  • Magnesium

How to get these tests done?

Option 1 - Vibrant America

The tests can be altered, they also have a wonderful 12 food allergy IgE panel.

I order the tests for you.

If you want to go this route, I will need this from you:

First and Last name

Date of birth


Phone number


Please send this information to with the subject line “Vibrant America Bloodwork” and let me know if you would like to add on a food allergy panel or other tests you have in mind.

Once I order the tests, the lab will reach out directly to you for payment.

Once they receive the payment, they will mail out the blood drawing kit that includes two cold packs. Please freeze the cold packs, and make an appointment for a local blood draw facility.

It can be found by going to or calling the lab at (866) 364-0963

Option 2 - Ulta Labs

If you want to order other specific tests, and can get your insurance to pay for some of the bloodwork, please use Ulta Lab Tests

You order your own tests.

It’s a wonderful inexpensive way of getting the necessary bloodwork done. They also frequently offer 20% discounts.